kk_still and kk_0603 |
'Imperfection is
beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than
absolutely boring.' - Marilyn Monroe
John, my husband, and I were taking yard debris to the
neighborhood drop off, beside the busy entrance I saw purple thistles.
It was time for a Sunday drive.
John asked if I wanted to pick some, he is a wonderful
photographers assistant, of course I said yes.
He knew just the place and we both happen to keep a pocket knife on our key
chain for this type of occasion. Without
gloves it was tricky, but we found there aren't as many thorns close to the
flowering end.
kk_Melancholy |
I put the thistles in a vase where they beautified my screened-in-porch
for over a week. John was nervous that
the seeds would blow across the yard soon, so I made time to photograph them.
The thistles were now wilted and so were their thorns, they were much easier to handle.
kk_still and kk_0603 |
I love their droopiness.
Thank you for stopping by!
Have a great week!