
Thursday, May 11, 2017

Along The Way

"Live simple, love well, and take time to smell the flowers along the way."  
 -  Mark Twain

We weren't to our final destination quite yet...but we found some little treasures.

The path was bordered by unplowed cornfields which made perfect flower beds for colorful weeds.  I am certain the farmer didn't plan it, but it made us happy.

When all picture taking opportunities were exhausted, we continued on our way.

With no sign to guide us, we followed what we hoped was the path to what we were looking for. 

We could tell we were going in the right direction when we heard it...softly at first, then louder and louder.  The louder the better, because a loud one means it is a big one.  (Although size doesn't always matter. :)

Then we saw it...

The waterfall was gorgeous.

The spring rain created quite a water flow.  We couldn't believe how big it was, and that we have never visited it before being so close to home.  

We admired its beauty and took a lot of photographs.   It was an oops-we-skipped-lunch kind of day. :)

Sometimes I look at other people's photographs and think, "Oh, that is beautiful.  If I could go there I could create beautiful photographs too." In that moment, I think I have to travel to a foreign country, or at the least leave my state, to find beauty.  This little waterfall adventure reminded me to seek out beauty close to home, search the internet, plan daytrips, put a little effort into it.  Because there is beauty at my doorstep (or very close)...I just have to open my eyes, and mind, to see it.

Thank you so much for stopping by!
Have a beautiful day!



  1. Lovely images. Beauty is everywhere, right where we are - we just need to really see it!

  2. Finding beauty close to home ... so true, Michelle !
    We really enjoyed some daytrips last year :-)
    Wonderful photos ... you've captured that waterfall so beautifully !
    Have a great weekend,

  3. You're right, Michelle, there is so much beauty right around the corner of our homes, and you found it here with these stunning pink flowers and gorgeous waterfall. Waterfalls are always so soothing and calming. Your pictures always fill me with wonder, and the yellow flowers are truly lovely.

    Happy Mother's Day, my dear.


  4. I think we are so much more fulfilled if we can have just a little adventure every week. There is too much stress put into big trips. It is better to relax and enjoy the little things, beauty is everywhere. As I say this we are preparing to leave for Boston, so big trip, we will see how it compares to little trips.

  5. Yay for adventures close to home!! (and to far off, distant locations too!!) I believe a famous person, not exactly sure who, said: Seek and ye shall find. ;)

    Great images, Michelle!! Beautiful colors and bokeh!! Thank you for sharing your musings. :)
    Happy Mother's Day! Wishing you well. xo

  6. Ah - beautiful! And as a bonus, you took your time and enjoyed the wildflowers along the way!

  7. These are exactly my thoughts, Michelle. Sure, there is so much wonderful and expressive and unusual to be seen and photographed abroad but there is also so much interesting right in front of our nose, just to see it. Thanks for this reminder.
    I love the photos with the flowers, so beautiful.

  8. Great job on capturing with slow shutter speed. Those make for some of the most beautiful photographs.

  9. Wonderful capture of the waterfall...and it was a really nice size...I haven't found a great one lately but I do remember listening like you were to tell me how close we were getting...the yellow flowers in the top photo are drop dead gorgeous...another great day for you...I love how you are enjoying the spring season...
